Weekend shout out!
Short and Sweet!
In the Studio
I'm helping at the Church's Soccer Camp and VBS every morning this week and also keeping tabs on my grand daughter in the afternoons. The studio will be open in the evenings, and some selected days depending on Mum's work schedule. Please contact me for open studio times.
On the Calendar
SEW DAY this week will be 5-9pm on Tuesday. It's only $15 to join us, but I do need to know you are coming so I can set up for you.
August Classes, check them out!
Quilting with- Rulers on a Longarm Machine. Using these wonderful tools adds innumerable variations! Learn how to use these tools on a longarm machine. We'll focus on proper technique and some basic designs. Tuesday, August 15 9am-noon.
Handy Dyed Fabric - More! - Learn about mixing dyes and creating texture in this fun class. All fabric and dye supplies are included. No experience necessary! Tuesday, August 15 1:30-4:30pm
Watch for more details of Wee-Sew Wednesdays at Pinheads Quilting Company . We hope to finalize the details in the next week or so.
We are also taking about offering a Block of the Month/Quilt Club to meet monthly and end with a finished quilt! If this is something that interests you, contact Cathy at Pinheads.
I'm still working on some Handi Quilter Pro-Stitcher workshops. Nothing to report yet!
On the Road
I spent a few minutes this morning updating my calendar for confirmed travel events.
Creative Stitches in Edmonton, contact Central Sewing for more details of the classes I'll be teaching.
A Handi Quilter event up in Beaverlodge Alberta at Around the Block quilt shop
Creative Stitches in Calgary, classes haven't been confirmed. contact My Sewing Room for more details.
Creative Stitches in Toronto. I'll be helping out in the Handi Quilter Booth
a Handi Quilter event in Bellville Ontario at Fun with Stitches.
I'll be working around this schedule to set up local group and studio classes and events.
Weekend Shout Out! I'm still looking for a catchy name for this weekly "shout out". I've received the following suggestions, but am not 100% sold on any of them. What do you think? Can you suggest something catchy?
wind down
Let's have a contest! Send me your ideas and I'll offer a $35 coupon for longarm rentals, services or to go towards a class registration at the studio as a prize for the winning contribution. Deadline is the end of July to get your suggestions to me. We'll make a choice and award the $35 coupon August 1.
Have a great week sewing and quilting.
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