I'm calling it Twilight Spectrum
Look at this quilt! Its 73" square and I got it done in less than 2 weeks even with half a finger!

Did you hear about my booboo?

I had a productive day cut short on Monday. I'm blaming it on furniture rearranging. I had the crazy idea to move Ava (Handi Quilter longarm) from the bedroom to the studio. My cutting table didn't make the move yet and I was cutting on a plastic top folding table.
These tables are good, but kind of flexible. I had noticed that there was some softness on the table as I was cutting. I guess the cutter popped over the ruler and sliced a chunk off my index finger. Hubby graciously left work early and took me to Airdrie Urgent Care.
Back to the quilt...... I won this pattern at the recent CI training with Sudio 180 Designs. Loved it! It is a surprisingly easy project using the Wedge Star Tool. Designer Sarah Furrer did an amazing job on this design.

I soon realized that I need to take pictures and refer to them often.

The floor was a great design "wall".

I think I got everything in the correct spot.
Deb Tucker's Studio 180 Design tools certainly make things easier. Sew, press, trim.
I'm hoping to teach this pattern soon. I'll keep you posted!
Hello from Camrose