Summer 2023 Scrap Along Challenge - More Ideas
So, how are your scrap quilts coming along? I got 1 quilt completed and seemed to have stalled on the 2nd one. I haven't been idle. I've been busy working on other projects but sewing the units together as my leader and ender project.
This post contains inspiration. I sure you are like me and have gone crazy cutting up your scraps into 2 1/2" squares. You must have an overflowing container and are now thinking ... "what am I going to do with all these little squares?". So, the following is a list of inspirational posts and links that use up 2 1/2" squares.
Don't forget that you can bring me your quilt and I'll quilt if for you. OR you can come to the studio and quilt your quilt yourself. Both will be free of charge. But the quilt must be in the studio by September 30 to qualify.
For those joining us late, here are links to the previous posts for our Summer 2023 Scrap Along Challenge.

These quilt ideas are the result of a few minutes searching on Pinterest for 2" squares. There are lots of great ideas. I could go on and on sharing images of quilts we can make with our 2" squares. Please share what you've done.
I have 1 more blog post planned that will include a gallery of completed quilts, so send me your quilt images so we can all admire our summer well spent!