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Too much vs. Too little

It has always been a challenge to balance work and home life. I was reminded of that this week. I needed to spend time (out of the house) with someone and as a result lost some valuable work time. Do I regret the lost sleep? Do I regret the time away from work while I napped? Do I regret the lost income? NEVER!!!!

I also get a little overwhelmed by the copious amounts of information I see on social media. You know them. Those quilters who post something wonderful on a daily and weekly basis! Their work is so much better than mine! They are getting so much done! They have a much bigger following that me!!!!!

Then I watched a short video by Jamie Wallen this morning and he says he will sometime stand in front of his frame and quilt for 12-16 hours!!!! What!!!????? Me in front of my frame for 4 hours is a long day!

I have a life! I have a family that I will drop everything for! I have additional commitments outside my Meadow Rose Quilting life. I need to learn balance and to accept my work load and not compare my output with someone else!

I was thrilled to be able to attend a trunk show by Mary Pal this week.

I had never seen her work before and I dragged my hubby along to see her quilts and listen to her story. It was quite a story! Mary is an art quilter and lots of her quilts are on the smaller side. She was asked how long it takes her to make a quilt. Her reply surprised me. Up to a month (for 12" x 12")! She works 4-5 hours a day and "has a life". She told us that she sometimes take weeks on a drawing before she touches any fabric! Her process is slow.

That being said, I am a list maker. I have over the years made very long lists and very short lists. I learned early to break everything down into the smallest components so that when I check things off, I feel really good and have a fantastic sense of accomplishment.

Every week (Monday if possible), I look at my calendar. I keep a Google Calendar on my computer/phone/laptop and share with hubby. I have a monthly calendar on paper. AND I have a weekly schedule and to-do list. I still mess up and miss things and double book myself. But its a work in progress.

When I look at my Weekly Schedule and write in the events I've got scheduled for the week, I sometimes look ahead to next week, but mostly try to concentrate on this week. I will make a list of the things I want to accomplish today and during this week. If I think of something that I need to do next week, I turn the page in my book and write it in there. I've adopted a really personalized Bullet Journal and Day Timer method. I use those little boxes before each item and it is a thrill to colour in the box when each task is complete.

For Example: I'm working on a sample for the Grids and Rulers class at Pinheads Quilting Company in July. I really want to get this done and dropped off by the end of the week. Here's my list. Sometimes I'll add colours to my check boxes, but really anything I use to fill those little boxes makes my heart race!

So what is the point of this rambling post? I want to take this opportunity to encourage everyone who reads this post. Let's stop comparing ourselves with those around us. We don't know what their lives are like. Let's start working at our own schedule. I'm a quilter, sewer, knitter. I'm a wife, grandma, friend, daughter, sister, mother, aunt........ I can get overwhelmed if there are too many pressures on me, but I love to be involved and hate to miss any events in the lives of those around me.

My weekly to-do list is my saving grace. I can look at the list and decide if I want to add one more thing, or if I need to re-schedule for next week or the week after.

Let's take the month of June and see how we can simplify our lives by being kind to ourselves.


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