The Very Merry Month of May
Where has the month of May gone?
I have been busy. I went to The Quilt Store in Newmarket, Ontario for a Handi Quilter Event. AND my new grandson was born! So it was an eventful month.

I had a few days with my Granddaughter while we waited for baby Cupcake's arrival and we painted fabric. Here nick name is Bug. Her birthday is in June and before she was born I referred to her as my June Bug. Bug has stuck. Bug's brother had a few nicknames before he arrived and her chosen name was Baby Cupcake! Aren't they both cute?

I've been doing a lot of quilting and taking on a few projects that have also kept me busy in the last few weeks.
Look for the other posts that should be ready this weekend. My Challenge 2017 quilts # 14-20 and my latest Blog posts for Quilt Social.