Challenge 2017/18 - #39 Dunamar Garden in Batik
I posted a while ago a free pattern for you, Dunamar Garden Quilt. I designed it while I was in Mexico and had a couple of quilts in the piecing process when I heard that a dear loved one was having some health issues. I knew I needed to make this lovely gal a quilt and started looking for something to do for her.

In various video chats, I discovered that a bright Red/Blue/Yellow and Green quilt would not do. She likes grey and black and dark green.

So, out came one of the Dunamar Garden quilt pieces and I joyfully, prayerfully, and tearfully stitched it into the finished top. I loaded it on my frame with black Fireside fleece as the backing. I quilted it with continuous curves and loops. The quilting went quickly, and I was able to get it hand delivered to Vancouver at the beginning of May.

Recent reports state the this bundle of love keeps her warm and cozy!
And most recent reports are that everything is clear and she is on the road to full recovery!!!!!!