A Wedding Anniversary quilt
As my parents approached their 40th wedding anniversary, I wanted to do something special for them and decided to make this quilt. I found a book years ago about bookcase quilts. Can't find the book and don't remember it's name or the author. It was fun to have the pictures reproduced on fabric and to plan each shelf of the quilt.
When my parents were downsizing a few years ago, we went to Winnipeg to help them organize and decide what they would keep and what they could pass on. They knew they wouldn't have room for this quilt and I grabbed it to bring it home.
When I made it, I wanted the quilt to be a celebration of their lives together.
The horse is a representation of a toy my grandfather had made for my dad when he was a little boy. My grandmother gave me the horse in 1978 to bring back to Canada when I visited her in England. Dad and I always "argued" that it was mine/his. Nana gave it to me......to give to him! Well, I now have it and to keep it safe have framed it in a shadow box.
The stained glass picture frame is supposed to have a picture in it. As the quilt has been stored there is no current picture. When I hang the quilt, I'll add a picture to the frame. My dad used to do stained glass. If you visit my house you'll see lots of samples of his work!
My Dad was handsome and my Mum a beauty! These are their 21st birthday pictures and their wedding picture from 1958.
Wedding pictures of my sisters and I plus my Mum and Dad's 25th Wedding anniversary.
The grandchildren's school pictures circa 1998. The kids are now spread from London, England to Vancouver Island. They have 5 great grandchildren with 1 on the way!
The grandchildren's family pictures as little ones.
My sisters and I as little kids.
My grandmother and great aunt with special little ones.
My grandparents. My Mum's mum and dad on the left and my Dad's parents on the right. We snuck the original pictures off their bedroom wall to get copied and added to the quilt.
My Mum and Dad took a great risk in 1967 to uproot their young family and leave everything and everyone they knew in England and come to Canada. They were very brave! A young couple with 3 young daughters travelling all that way and not knowing what their future held. My sisters and I are so very thankful for the lives they have given us. We thank God everyday for the kind, loving and Christian home we were raise in.
Happy 62nd Anniversary!!!!!