Quilting Classes - fall 2017
I've got some classes booked at Pinheads Quilting Company in the next few weeks. I thought I'd write a post to promote these great opportunities to learn some new quilting and piecing techniques.

Lone Star Quilting: learn how to cut and piece a small Lone Star quilt in these two 3 hour classes. We have a week break so you can work at your own speed. We will focus on accurate cutting and sewing techniques and I'll give you lots of tips for working with those dreaded BIAS edges. You will need only 4 FQ and a background fabric. The pattern includes 4 other stars that you can work on at home, or finish this lovely wall hanging or table topper as it is. Saturday, October 21 and 28; 1-4pm.

Free Motion Quilting: Basics. Get ready to take your creations to new heights by trying your hand at free motion quilting. Free motion quilting on a domestic or a long arm machine uses the same basic 5-6 shapes. The trick is to learn to recognize these shapes and how they are put together to create quilting motifs. This class will incorporate a lot of stitching practice with analyze samples and pages of designs. Thursday, October 26, 6 to 9 p.m.
Handi Quilter Classes:
Sew and Save in Stratford Ontario, November 13-16. I'll be teaching HQ classes on the stand up machines and the sit downs and I'll also be doing a day of Domestic Free Motion Quilting. Contact them directly for more information.
Kindred Spirits Quilt Co. in St. Catherines Ontario, November 18 and 19. I'll be teaching more HQ! classes
If you are going to be at Cindy-rella's in Regina in November 21-25, I'm teaching Handi Quilter classes. You don't have to be an owner to attend. We are fine-tuning the class list for the week.
Contact each store directly for more information.
Guild Classes:
I often get requests to teach at Quilt guilds in and around Calgary, If you are part of a quilt guild and are looking for teachers, feel free to pass my contact information along to your planning committee. Allison, allison.meadowrosequilts@gmail.com 403-819-8126