Squared Square blocks in all sizes
Every month I've been heading out to Bow Bench Retreat in Carsland to work with a group of quilters. We make blocks for Charity quilts. Nancy and I put our heads together and come up with a block for the quilt each month. She cuts her huge stash of fabrics for us to use. I do a brief demo and help as needed throughout the day. Each month we use the tools from Deb Tucker's Studio 180 Design. This is a great time for quilters to learn how to use the tools before purchasing them.
For our day together in March, we will use the Square Squared Large tool and make these great Stacked Squares blocks. Before our sew days, and to make sure I know what we are doing, I work out the correct size block and make a sample or two. This month we are going to be making the Stacked Squares blocks.

I got carried away while I was making my sample blocks and made 16 blocks! The blocks are 10" x 10" finished. All I need to do now is find some nice fabric for a border. I'll quilt it up and donate the quilt to our quilt guild in Airdrie.

Then I got thinking ... a dangerous thing I know ... how small can I go? The Studio 180 Design tools all come with instruction sheets and there are Technique Sheets available for purchase that give instructions for other ways to use the tool.

The Technique Sheet "stacked squares" gives instructions for 1" to 12" finished blocks!
Here are some 2" blocks I completed. I started with a 1" (cut square in the very center) and worked out for a 2" finished block. The center square becomes a 1/2" finished little piece of fabric. The whole idea with Studio 180 Design tools is that you use oversized pieces and trim to perfect measurments!

Nancy and I now have a plan for our March Charity Sew Day on March 18. Think about joining us for a day of sewing and friendship!
If you want more information, contact Nancy at Bow Bench.