Challenge 2017/18 - # 42, Hoffman Dream Big - Wild Rose
Do you know what another name for the Wild Rose is? Meadow Rose!!!! So, to find a Hoffman Dream Big panel called Wild Rose was meant to be!

I finished my Hoffman Dream Big - Tide Pool recently and knew that I needed to do at least one more! I so enjoyed working with 2 threads at the same time on the Tide Pool quilt that I wanted to try combing more threads.

I quilted all the background and petal outlining with WonderFil's Tutti (13) Hibiscus. this thread is a very subtle variegation from a light pink to a darker fuschia. WonderFil's variegated threads are random dyed, so that changes are gradual and were the perfect choice for this quilt.

Once I outlined each petal and had the piano key background complete, I needed to fill in the spacing. I played with a number of feather ideas, and settled on this variation. I seem to be working this variation into a lot of my quilting lately.
Here's a short video of me quilting this design.

When I moved onto the petals themselves, I switched to WonderFil's Tutti (05) Pansy and added in Superior's Metallic (049) Carnation. I just love the shine and sparkle I get from combining a cotton and metallic together.

To quilt the center part, I removed the metallic thread and quilted with WonderFil's Tutti, (03) Pansy on its own.

I have the best quilt hanger! Our front door step is the best place with the best light to take pictures! The quilts all have these lovely legs!
This quilt is for ME! I'm going to hang it on the wall in my studio. Feel free to drop by anytime to see it in person!