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Challenge 2017-#6 & #7

I've been a super busy girl! Actually, I've been sorting projects for my 2017 Challenge and seeing what I can get finished really quickly.

I've been able to finish a few quilts simply by stitching the bindings on the finished tops! Some would probably say "that's cheating", but I'm taking every finish I can. I know I'll get a bit slower as the year proceeds and I am really enjoying the sense of accomplishment.

Quilts #6 & #7 are two wholecloth quilts I quilted in April.

I even had the binding stitched to the back of the quilt. It took me less than an hour to bring the binding to the front of the quilt and machine stitch it in place.

The green quilt was quilted with bounce back feathers and a variety of background feather fills and straight lines..

The Red quilt uses Tear Drop Feather with a wide variety of background fills to add texture to the quilt.

I have one more quilt in this series that needs background fills. If I get it done this year, it will be at the end of the year.

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